Ph.D. (Electrical and Computer Engg.)
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, 2012--2016.
M.E. (Signal Processing)
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 1998--2000.
B.E. (Computer Sciecnce and Engg.)
Kumaun University, Nainital, India, 1994--1998.
Work Experience
Director, Research, IUDX Program Unit, SID, IISc, Bangalore, India, July 2022 --
Senior Research Fellow, IUDX Program Unit, SID, IISc, Bangalore, India, Dec. 2021 -- June 2022.
Research Fellow (with Prof. Vincent Tan), NUS, Singapore, Oct. 2018 -- Sep. 2021.
Research Fellow (with Prof. Teng Joon Lim), NUS, Singapore, Oct. 2017 -- Sep. 2018.
Research Fellow (with Prof. Mehul Motani), NUS, Singapore, Oct. 2016 -- Sep. 2017.
Research Associate (with Prof. Mehul Motani), NUS, Singapore, Jan. 2016 -- Sep. 2016.
Principal Engineer, Broadcom, Bangalore, India, 2010 -- 2011.
Staff Engineer, ARM, Bangalore, India, 2008 -- 2009.
FSL Design Engineer III, Freescale Semiconductor, Bangalore, India, 2006 -- 2008.
Senior Software Engineer, Analog Devices, Bangalore, India, 2002 -- 2005.
Software Engineer, Analog Devices, Bangalore, India, 2000 -- 2002.
Received the Best Paper Award at COMSNETS 2024 (Cyber Security and Privacy Workshop).
Finalist for a best paper award at SPCOM 2024.
TPC Member for the 16th IEEE Intl. Conf. Commun. Sys. (ICCS), 2018.
Best paper presentation award at NUS ECE Graduate Student Symposium, 2013 (among 124 entries).
NUS Research Scholarship for Ph.D. studies (2012--2016).
BRAVO! award at Freescale Semiconductors (for contributions to WLAN receiver architecture), 2008.
First rank in the CSE department during B.E., 1998.
Within top 1% in GATE (Computer Science) all India exam, 1998.